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San Marcos HS - SAT Practice Exam - 1/18/2025

Tried & True Tutoring

San Marcos HS - SAT Practice Exam - 1/18/2025

$ 40.00

Learn how you will perform on the SAT! 

Begin your journey by taking a SAT Practice Exam to determine your strengths and skill gaps.

Attend our Score Back Presentation where we help your interpret you score report.

Practice Exam:

  • Saturday, 1/18/2025 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Score Back Presentation:

  • Thursday, 1/23/2025 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM


    Interested in learning more?

    Once you have completed your exam and attended the presentation, consult with one of our expert Directors, who can help you determine:

    • Which exam suits you best, SAT or ACT
    • What reasonable target score will help you attain your aspirations
    • An appropriate testing timeline

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